
I have finashed mysql installation and need to change root password to “123456”

(original password is null)

cd ../mysql/bin/

mysqladmin -u root -p password 123456

click enter key if sytem request password.

confirm new password

mysql -u root -p

input password “123456” ,pressing enter, you can login mysql


add an user test and set it’s password as “123456”, only allow this user login mysql

from client, and user test has all permission on any database and tables.

grant all privileges on *.* to [email protected] identified by “123456”;


add an user test and set it’s password as “123456”, allow this user login mysql from

any client, and user test has all permission on any database and tables.

grant all privileges on *.* to test@’%identified by “123456”;


check current user

select user();

switch to mysql database


check all details about table user

選択する * from user \G;


check user,パスワード,host information of table user

select user,パスワード,host from user;


generate userccand set it’s password as “123456” , only allow this user login mysql from


create user ‘cc’@’localhost’ 「123456」で識別;


remove all users which only be allowed login mysql from localhost.

delete from mysql.user where user=’ccand host=’localhost’;
