Fehler bei der SSH-Verbindung

SSH connection refused by remote host in some times, due to the operation by mistake.

zum Beispiel ,someone may have executed “chmod -R 777 /home

Connecting to…

Connection established.

To escape to local shell, press ‘Ctrl+Alt+]’.

Connection closed by foreign host.

Disconnected from remote host(hadoop3) beim 14:37:11.

Type `helpto learn how to use Xshell prompt.

You can do the following operation

[plain] view plain copy

cd /etc/ssh

sudo chmod 644 ./*

sudo chmod 600 ssh_host_dsa_key

sudo chmod 600 ssh_host_rsa_key

sudo chmod 755 .

/etc / init.d / sshd Neustart

And then you can try again.

another possible reason is that there is no spare thread to create.

you can view message log, to check whether there exist thread create failed,

wie in der folgenden Abbildung gezeigt.


Damit ,there is a need to troubleshoot why this server can not create new thread and sloved it .

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