Background: Tomcat project will access static source, such as images and html, and the static source stored in extrnal dictionary. we want to link the …
1、mysqld start mysql:./mysqld –defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf –user=root client connect: mysql –defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf or mysql -S /tmp/mysql.sock 2、mysqld_safe start mysql: ./mysqld_safe –defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf –user=root & client connect: mysql –defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf or…
what is lsof? lsof can list all information of opened files, the opened files can be 1.ordiary file 2.dictionary file and system file 4.device…
由于在WIN7 x64平台安装PL/SQL后,连接远程oracle,一直报 ORA-12154, 通过参考下文的黑体字部分, 故障得到解决. 今天重新安装了oracle 11g,plsql连接oracle时发生报错:ORA-12154: TNS: 无法解析指定的连接标识符。 在网上粗略查了一下,错误比较常见,主要是是连接配置发生了问题。我运行SQLPLUS能正常连接, 而plsql连接发生问题,说明问题多半是因为plsql的连接出现了问题 主要因为忘了以下两点操作,导致连接出现问题: 1.环境变量的添加(我在系统变量中添加): NLS_LANG = SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK TNS_ADMIN = D:\install\PLSQL\instantclient_11_2(PLSQL的实际目录) 2. D:\install\PLSQL\instantclient_11_2下有一个连接配置文件,需要根据实际连接进行更改。 此外,不要忘记 PL/SQL Developer 环境设置: 1.…
For windows certutil -hashfile filename MD5 MD5 hash of file filename: 16 16 f6 17 89 89 1a 56 ea fd 40 de 79…
Background: Operation system: centos 6.7 Oracle version: Operating steps: 1. Ensure that all nodes of RAC cluster has install udev. [root@11gnode1 ~]# rpm -qa|grep udev…
Some time, After we connected RDP of WIN2012,There is a need that files duplication, But the duplication can not work.In general, the most probably reason…
Keytool had generated .keystore secret key. and .keystore secret key generated csr file . finally, I submited csr file to GoDaddy to download website certificate.…