a linux server abnormal recently, it was pretty slow and many program had no response even halted. obvioused a couple of days, we found that…
假设生成100MB的磁盘镜像 ,块大小为1024B [root@AMH ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/disk.img bs=1024 count=102400 记录了102400+0 的读入 记录了102400+0 的写出 104857600字节(105 MB)已复制,0.944818 秒,111 MB/秒 关联磁盘镜像与块设备(loop0到loop7均可使用) [root@AMH ~]# losetup /dev/loop0 /root/disk.img 格式化…
SSH connection refused by remote host in some times, due to the operation by mistake. for example ,someone may have executed “chmod -R 777 /home”…
Query all users in oracle, but first of all, your account should have dba permission,such as sys , system. select * from dba_users; Query all…
badblocks -v /dev/md126 >> /opt/badblocks.txt smartctl -H /dev/sda smartctl -H /dev/sdb smartctl -H /dev/md126 smartctl -C -t short /dev/sda smartctl -C -t short /dev/sdb smartctl…
ftp(选项)(参数) -d:详细显示指令执行过程,便于排错或分析程序执行的情况; -i:关闭互动模式,不询问任何问题; -g:关闭本地主机文件名称支持特殊字符的扩充特性; -n:不使用自动登录; -v:显示指令执行过程。 FTP>ascii: 设定以ASCII方式传送文件(缺省值) FTP>bell: 每完成一次文件传送,报警提示. FTP>binary: 设定以二进制方式传送文件. FTP>bye: 终止主机FTP进程,并退出FTP管理方式. FTP>case: 当为ON时,用MGET命令拷贝的文件名到本地机器中,全部转换为小写字母. FTP>cd: 同UNIX的CD命令. FTP>cdup: 返回上一级目录. FTP>chmod: 改变远端主机的文件权限. FTP>close: 终止远端的FTP进程,返回到FTP命令状态, 所有的宏定义都被删除.…
There are 3 options UseDNS no GSSAPIAuthentication no ignoreRhosts yes In file /etc/nsswitch.conf,you can only modify the configuration from “hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4”…
There are many ways to install speedtest_cli 1 github git clone https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli.git python speedtest-cli/setup.py install 2 pip / easy_install pip install speedtest_cli easy_install speedtest_cli …