select * from ( Select a.tablespace_name, to_char(a.bytes/1024/1024,’99,999.999′) total_bytes, to_char(b.bytes/1024/1024,’99,999.999′) free_bytes, to_char(a.bytes/1024/1024 – b.bytes/1024/1024,’99,999.999′) use_bytes, to_char((1 – b.bytes/a.bytes)*100,’99.99′) || ‘%’ use from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name)…
oracle tablespace isn’t enough,there are 2 reasons: 1. original tablespace is too small, hadn’t been set autoextend; error code: ORA-01653: unable to extend table 2. tablespace…
check relationship between tablespace and username. select username,default_tablespace from dba_users; SQL> select username,default_tablespace from dba_users; USERNAME DEFAULT_TABLESPACE —————————— —————————— NAME_A …
When I delete some archivelogs in order to release some diskspace, I encountered error, like this: RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or…
1、When you execute “sqlplus / as sysdba” to connect SQL,you can stop all processes of oracle with the following command if this error occured ps…
delete backup–DELETE command delete is used for deleting record and corresponding physical file of RMAN backup. It will generate RMAN backup record in RMAN repository…
由于在WIN7 x64平台安装PL/SQL后,连接远程oracle,一直报 ORA-12154, 通过参考下文的黑体字部分, 故障得到解决. 今天重新安装了oracle 11g,plsql连接oracle时发生报错:ORA-12154: TNS: 无法解析指定的连接标识符。 在网上粗略查了一下,错误比较常见,主要是是连接配置发生了问题。我运行SQLPLUS能正常连接, 而plsql连接发生问题,说明问题多半是因为plsql的连接出现了问题 主要因为忘了以下两点操作,导致连接出现问题: 1.环境变量的添加(我在系统变量中添加): NLS_LANG = SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK TNS_ADMIN = D:\install\PLSQL\instantclient_11_2(PLSQL的实际目录) 2. D:\install\PLSQL\instantclient_11_2下有一个连接配置文件,需要根据实际连接进行更改。 此外,不要忘记 PL/SQL Developer 环境设置: 1.…
Background: Operation system: centos 6.7 Oracle version: Operating steps: 1. Ensure that all nodes of RAC cluster has install udev. [root@11gnode1 ~]# rpm -qa|grep udev…