1. background emergency, some signficant data deleted by mistake, besides there is no backup. the path of data is /data/webapps/xxxx/upload. It’s very urgent and I…
1、check glibc library in system. strings /lib64/libc.so.6 |grep GLIBC_ So, we can see the newest version of glibc is 2.1.2, we need to upgrade glibc…
Background: Tomcat project will access static source, such as images and html, and the static source stored in extrnal dictionary. we want to link the …
what is lsof? lsof can list all information of opened files, the opened files can be 1.ordiary file 2.dictionary 3.network file and system file 4.device…
Background: Operation system: centos 6.7 Oracle version: Operating steps: 1. Ensure that all nodes of RAC cluster has install udev. [root@11gnode1 ~]# rpm -qa|grep udev…
基础环境:Centos 6.x/Centos 7.x 1. 安装tomcat 与java 环境 2.使用jre 程序的keytool 生成密钥,java 我使用解压版本并运行目录在 /usr/java,生成tomcat.keystore 密钥文件 keytool -keysize 2048 -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore tomcat.keystore 然后会提示输入DNS 信息及密码:…
1. How to remove ^M in a shell script solution: sed -i ‘s/^M//g’ script.sh (input “^M” by Ctrl+v, Ctrl+m) 2.crontab输出结果控制 问题: 若在root用户下可执行脚本,而定时任务不执行,则需要检查环境变量。 /var/spool/clientmqueue目录占用空间超过100G 原因:cron中执行的程序有输出内容,输出内容会以邮件形式发给cron的用户,…
nload nload can monitor the inbound and outbound traffic of each network adapter. How to install nload? yum install nload iftop iftop can monitor incoming…