kubectl get node kubectl get node -o wide kubectl create -f *.yaml kubectl apply -f *.yaml kubectl get pod kubectl get pod -o wide kubectl…
Reboot server to the following interface. Press key “e” Add “init=/bin/sh” which is in the red box Press key “Ctrl+x”, You’ll lonin the server without…
Possible reason 1.Couldn’t find device with uuid 2.Couldn’t find all physical volumes for volume group Example and solution
Example: extend 10GB for partition /oradata
Edit configuration file. vim /etc/my.cnf add “skip-grant-tables” in [mysqld] field. Save and exit Restart mysql servicesystemctl restart mysqld Login mysqlmysql -uroot -p Switch database to…
PURPOSE All servers which are in internal network adopt NTP service to keep time consistent with each other,avoiding bussiness abnormal due to time issue. ROLES…
Background Some times we need to create plenty of virtual machines or containers in a physical linux server and there is a requirement that all…