Umount home partion Check whether there exist content in home partion or not, we can umount home partion if there is no content. Remove home…
Podman is a new generation linux container technology.Compared with docker, it has the following advantages. No daemon process,can reduce system cost. Rootless permission requirement. Most…
Memory nearly exhausted in one oracle database server.Almost 100GB is occupied. As we know,oracle memory is made up of PGA and SGA,so I generate awr…
Standard method smartctl –all device_name If smartctl hadn’t been installed, you may need to run command “yum install smartmontools -y” to install. Another method You…
Display all timezones timedatectl list-timezones Set timezone as Asia/Tokyo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo Specify specific time date -s “2020-09-10 15:34:00” Synchronize system time to hardware and…
I need to check cpu model number of KVM virtual machine(WIN7) after it was created. But it displayed like following. How can this KVM virthal…
I need to configure hostname dm01 for CentOS7It’s very simple,the steps as shown in following. 1.Execute following commnad. hostnamectl set-hostname dm01 2.Edit file “/etc/hosts”,attaching “dm01”…
In K8S cluster, I add one node to master server by “kubeadm ioin” command, but failed.The problem is “Error: couldn’t validate the identity of the…